Wednesday, September 13, 2006

when I went there...Versi ke DUA....

Just want to share pictures yang sudah diseleksi agar gue tetep terlihat "enak dilihat"..(alah!!!)
I admit that i'm a Narsis person...but i guess most of people are, but the difference is whether they admitting it or they dont.. =)
As one of my idols had told me, that being in this program had broaden my knowledge termasuk pengetahuan bahwa barang-barang di Jakarta itu jauuuhhh lebih murah dibanding harga-harga barang di sana..atau we can also say it that the prices there is much more HIGHER then we have here...
Dear All, the following will be the pictures (dah kebiasaan email macam ini di kantor)

ini di tengah taman yang tadinya gue kira taman kota ternyata taman biasa..taman kotanya JAUHHHH lebih besar...
This was when we (Meidhy and I) still have time to spend the night at Copenhagen before going to a quite stranded village...Karslunde..
and this was the time when i hadn't realize that a bottle of water cost almost 40 RIBUUU dengan volume 500 mili yang selama ini bisa gue dapet cukup dengan 2500 rupiah saja...Damn!!!

Yang disamping kanan ini (kanan pembaca) adalah pictures when we ate at a restaurant alongside Nyhavn. Italian food mostly, but i choose Fish and Chips..and lookin' at this i got this feeling to eat another fish and chips....Hungryy!!!
Again another tip for those planning to go to Copenhagen, if you asked for water..will be better if you say "can i have a mineral water please?" instead just water, coz there's a bigger chance that you will get Water Soda if you just asked for "water"..and it will be much cheaper if you asked for tab water..
And here I a Garden in front of the Palace..very peaceful, beautiful, and wonderfull Garden...
its quite romantic if we go there even just to sit on the "dedicated" chairs and reads some books..
would like to do that someday..
too bad i only have little time to "walk around"...
so not really enough time to embrace and enjoy the lovely Garden...

And this will be my last pictures...
not that i really love and adore this vessel..but just showing my apprecitation to the company who has given me the opportunity to travel around, meeting a lot of new people from all over the world...
Hope to see, meet, and experience a lot more new things on my next module when I go There for the second time...
C U All my Friends!!

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