Monday, April 07, 2008


There’s a newbie in Da House…
He followed me wherever I go…
Sometime he made me sick and don’t want to eat
And Sometime he made me eat too much

But I need to be very careful of what I eat :(

Cant eat sushi…I love them
Cant eat too much sweet food….I love chocolates
Have to drink a lot of milk….

We called him “Kaka”
Hoping there will be “adek-adek”
We talk to him a lot at night…
Especially my husband….
We try to listen to him at night…

Every pray that I have after Sholat…
Is to have “Kakak” Safe, Health, and Perfect…
5 Weeks and counting :)

Doakan yaaa :)


Anonymous said...

ryl..? 5 weeks? do i think what u think?...if that so, congrats!!!!

Unknown said...

heheheh iya..
sekarang sih dah masuk minggu ke 7
doain yaa...
Mey aku berangkat lagi nih...minta doa semoga emak dan anak baik2 saja dan sehat :)

Unknown said...

Congrats with the pregnancy..
Hiks..hikss.. jadi iri.. :D
Sekarang udah berapa bulan?
Hati-hati ya bu... dan jangan kecapean...

Sekali lagi selamat yaaa...

Unknown said...

Terima kasih ya ibu Shelly...jangan iri...iri itu tanda tak mampu...kalau dirimu mah mampu kok Insya Allah...tinggal masalah waktu aja..
mau tips and trick? huehehehehe

nochan said...

meryyyl,,aku baru tau kamu juga punya blogspot! seneeeeng!!

ryl, pengen pegang2 perutmu lagiii deh hehehehe

~retno ^_^

Unknown said...

huehehehe....hayuk kalau mau pegang2 lagi...nanti rencana nya mau ada bukber tanggal 13 atau 14 sept,..dateng aja tante retno...ntar selain bisa megang perut ndut, juga bisa liat2 emak2 dengan bayi2 nya...hihihihih