Saturday, October 27, 2007

24 tahun sudah

masih dikasih kesempatan untuk hidup sampai umur segini...
masih bisa nabung pahala karena udah banyak bener dosa dan kesalahan yang diperbuat...
semoga tidak akan sia sia tambahan umur ini...

Yang pasti gue nambah tua dan nambah mendekati "my last breath"...hmmm idealnya adalah muhasabah..
tapii....I think I will keep it for my self....

Yang ada di pikiran saat ini adalah ujian, ujian, ujian dan ujian...yaa mungkin ada selingan dikit-dikit...tapii...terus terang ibadah gue kurang gue perhatikan...
kalau diizinkan mencari pembenaran sih, belajar itu kan ibadah juga...heheheheheh

yaaa terus terang tahun ini gue ga merasa segitu excitednya lagi ulang tahun, mungkin karena memang udah lewat dari masanya...
atau juga karena there's just too much in my mind right now...

All I can think is to be a better person...better daughter and learn to be a good wive (still in the first form of "good" and not "better")..
Just thought about that, this year is my last birthday as a single :)
and Glad I have the chance to fulfill what my mom ask me "makan steak yang di deket Arion yuuk" hehehehehehe

"I have now step to a new age,
feeling blessed for what I have,
Gotta made a new page
where no more misbehave,
at least not the ones I have made before

Leaving the age of 23
Entering the 24...
Wishing all His Bless as always
Hoping to keep all the love surround me...

From My family, from my dearest friends, and from my future husband (babies next year maybe? ;) hehehehhe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this year is my last birthday as a single :) >> not forget the invitationnya ye