Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Try to always remember

I'm a very "like to organized" and or "like to prepare" a lot of good friend maybe be very true by saying that I'm like the Monica in Friends...
Now with this BIG PROJECT coming up...I ofcourse try to prepare as much as I can...her needs, crib, shirt, jumper, stroller, mattrass and whole other stuff...and even thinking of order online from for things that I cant find here...
but hearing stories from people...I need to bare in mind, that at all times, I need to "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst"....yes....instead of preparing for her coming to this world to be cherished and to be taken care of, I also need to prepare for the worst...
if you hope tooo high, its going to be really hurt when you fall down....
Can I try to not loving this blessing inside me too much?
Should I start thinking the worst scenario could happen??

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