Pe Er Blog...Kena Tag ama Mela
and The Rulez is:
The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the quetions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer *ohhh why must the first page…heh heh*. After that tag 7 people.
The Age of my next birthday? A Place I’d like to travel? A favourite place? A favourite food? Favourite Thing? Favourite Color? A city I was born? A nickname I had? College Major? Name of my LOVE? A bad habit? A hobby? Wishlist? lets start...
Age of My birthday? 26 but next october...
A Place I’d like to travel?...JAPAN...
A favourite place?
A favourite food?
Favourite Thing?
Favourite Color?
A city I was born?
A nickname I had?
College Major?
Name of my LOVE?
A bad habit?
A hobby?