Monday, October 30, 2006

My Birthday

Fyi, mine is last 27th of oct…

Well..nothing special..only kinda feel I’m getting old…
And come to think about my age..its almost a quarter of a century..and what have I done, what have a gain in life..not just career wise but life in general…
I do proud of who I am now..but is it enough? Or have I live my life fully?
All this time I tried to live mine without having any regret I do make mistake, I’m just a human…but I never want to regret it..well at least don’t be in despair for a long time…being sad is fine but dont be miserable…coz come to think about it there are lots of people that are much more unfortunate so, stop whining!!...

But the question now..have I learn from mistake?i may not regretting it, but have I learn not to do the same mistake?

Anyway..thats a question that I myself have to try finding the answer..but a part from my introspection about decision I made, I surely don regret having accepted MISE..not because of the lessons and assignment..but because of the friends I have…especially the SEAns..and more specifically right now for Angeli and Inca for giving such a wonderful gift…
But I generally think my SEAns friend are simply the best…maybe because we have quite a similar culture that its very easy to be best friends..dont really care about the reasons..but I just love my SEA’s friend….

Hope we All see each other on module 4!!...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I Hate You (supposed to be written on the 4th of Oct)

bukan berniat rasis karena yang gue benci itu bukan karena SARA nya or something like that,..tapi karena attitude tuh orang!!!!..... the following are my words to you mister TP!!!! eh...lo kan asmen...bertingkah kayak asmen doooongggg...jangan mentang-menatang mau keliatan bagus dimata orang apa-apa nanya...mencoba bersikap proaktif tapi kok ketauan ga pentingnya gituuuu!!!.... ASMEN tapi ga bisa apa-apa...semua lempar ke anak buah atau lempar ke orang lain... baru nemu sedikit masalah udah manggil orang pernah kenal kata-kata yang namanya USAHA ya????? pantes ga sih lo jadi ASMEN????? tapi kalo mau diliat segi positifnya...terima kasih karena atas keberadaan elo dan kelakuanlo yang kayak gitu..gue dah bisa memperjelas my goal in the future dalam MISE ini..yaitu GUE GA MAU JADI ASSISTEN MANAGER KAYAK ELO!!!!!.... semoga bentuk tulisan kayak gini masih dianggap bersabar di bulan puasa,..karena kan ditumpahkan dalam tulisan.........